1. SDK (6. Sept 2022)



The first version of the SDK was created by extracting graphql and contract related methods and types into a separate library.

The SDK supports 4 networks: Goerli, Polygon Mumbai, Polygon Mainnet and Gnosis Chain.

This version of the SDK was used to replace a lot of code in the frontend codebase, making it leaner and cleaner.

Later we made a host of changes / additions to the SDK to better support the needs that arose during the integration with MyMeta.

Now the SDK can be used by anyone to interact with our contracts and subgraph without any additional dependencies.

We still need to add documentation so it is easier for external users to use the SDK. Currently they will need to refer to the usage of the SDK or dive into the codebase to understand how to use it.

Next we plan to refactor the SDK further to make it even simpler to use.

2. MyMeta integration

  1. First successful test of querying and displaying the quest chain inside MyMeta (9. sep 2022)

Screen Recording 2022-09-09 at 14.36.42 (2).gif

Also added support for submitting proof for completing a quest.

Started discussions with PageDAO to take care of the content of the quest chain & deposited the required amount of $PAGE.

Dework task: